Monday, January 28, 2008

Testing 1-2-3

Given the sub-par quality of MySpace's blog function and a general need to be self-involved, I thought I'd give this blog thing a try. This page will probably be a collection of various rants and raves (mostly rants) of all the things which surround my daily life.

Matt Greff recently added the "Stumble" feature to my Firefox toolbar. Its is the most addictive thing I've ever seen. If you don't know, "Stumble" asks you to list your interests and then, after you save them, it sends you to randomly selected webpages which are related to those interests. Since we were drunk when he added it, some of the interests I selected were things I would not normally be interested in. Linguistics and conspiracies, for example. Most of the webpages are amateur pages dedicated to 9/11 conspiracy theories and the Kennedy assassination. Useful information, obviously. If you're looking for something new to waste your time, other than my blog, of course, add "Stumble" to your Firefox browser. If you don't have Firefox , quit being a woman and download it.

Bought an iPhone Saturday. It's seriously the coolest electronic device, maybe even the coolest consumer product, of our generation. Yeah, the touch screen is cool and the interface is really stunning, but its the little things that make it so special. For instance, we were driving around last night and talking about that new movie Strange Wilderness and how funny that scene from the previews is where Steve Zahn is making fun of the shark. Well I pulled it out and got on You Tube and found it and we all watched it in the car a couple of times. Could I have done that with a normal phone? Maybe a few but none would have done it so effortlessly and quickly. Anyone who dislikes the iPhone is a pussy. Plain and simple. " I can instant message with my phone! Can your iPhone do that? Didn't think so." Yeah it can, but it doesn't need to sponsor AOL instant messaging to do so. Its called text messaging. And your conversation is laid out just like an instant message, there's no needless back-pedaling to see what your last message said. Just embrace the technology and get off your hipster-hating bandwangon (I'm not implying I'm a hipster; rather, I think most people have a view of Apple customers that's very incorrect.).

Jeremy Clarkson has the best job in the world. If you're not familiar with Clarkson, he's a British TV personality who hosts a show dedicated to cars called Top Gear. He also writes columns for various British publications. What makes his job so cool is simple: He gets paid to test drive really, really cool cars and talk about it. This is my dream job. Here's a video of Clarkson test driving the Areil Atom:

Pretty cool, huh?

Okay, I guess this concludes my first blog. I'll probably "regularly" update this thing so check back if the mood strikes you.

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